High quality rubber compounds
Derived from the global tire industry
DRI Rubber maintains the largest source and selection of high-quality, off-spec, and broad-spec rubber compounds in the market, and our multiple, world-wide locations allow us to provide consistent availability.
Off-spec tire compounds
DRI Rubber is the inventor of the current grading system used in the global tire and rubber industry. Grades classified as A, B and C are now widely adopted. DRI Rubber has the best selection criteria. This enables us to keep providing the most extensive portfolio of types and grades, unmatched by anyone.
Available types: SBR/ NR/ PBR based, Butyl based, Cleanout and Masterbatches.
Delivery forms: Wigwags, Slabs, Strips, Extrusions, Camelbacks and Cuts.

Joost Koolen
Sales Manager
Interested in our rubber compounds?
Just contact me!